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Corporate Rat Race

Personal Excellence
Why?/ Why Not? 

We invest more than one-third of our lives to full-time education and careers. Why? 

How many of us, given the choice, seek to invest the same or more time in our careers? Why? Why not? 

The world is evolving at an exponentially faster pace than ever before, and as the cliche saying goes "Change is the only constant".

  • Do you find the rat race getting increasingly competitive and challenging?

  • Have you taken a step back to look at the grand scheme of things, how long more you will remain in active workforce, and how much the world could change throughout this duration?

  • How confident are you that your skills and roles in the workplace will remain vital for the companies you work for, and that your income levels will sustain themselves for the long run, accounting for the rates of increase in our cost of living? 

  • As you progress in the workforce, have you considered if your role can be replaced by cheaper manpower or technological solutions? 

  • How do we ensure our sustenance and relevancy in the workforce, and beyond that, ensure that our remuneration package is reflective of the cost of living of the times? 

Priscilla's values and beliefs? 

Having experienced many major events and milestones in my life, and constantly crawling back up much stronger, I know by faith that God will not give us anything more than what we can handle, and it is by His strength that I take on these life challenges. It's now second nature to ensure that I am outside of my comfort zones, and constantly striving for personal excellence, to bring the best version of myself to the world. 

We are renumerated based on the values that we bring to the table. Personal development, in our physical, mental, and spiritual state is so vital. 

By taking these conscious steps that many individuals I work with do, you can ensure you are well on track to achieving your life goals! 

Go ahead, and download the complimentary 1 page cheat sheet for a succinct overview now!

"Every challenge you face is not a barrier but a pathway to discover your true potential. Remember, the most extraordinary people in history were not those who faced the fewest obstacles, but those who overcame the most daunting adversities with resilience. Embrace your struggles as opportunities to strengthen your character and refine your skills. The moment you start seeing obstacles as stepping stones is the moment you turn your life around and march towards excellence."

Personal Excellence 
Uncovering yourself from the inside out!

Mindfullness, Conscious/ Unconscious
Self Awareness, Esteem and Confidence
is crucial in experiencing your transformation 

Do you remember Maslow Hierarchy of needs? How much of these needs are being fulfilled at this present moment? What are some areas that can be improved? 

Take some time to track these consciously and intentionally today with our complimentary Personal Excellence Resource Template and Guides (available for downloads below) and beyond just understanding yourself more, a transformational life awaits!

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Personal Excellence Course Content

Uncover Your Internal Values and Beliefs, Thought Processes that is holding you back from your Personal Breakthroughs, and External Ecology that is influencing your results!  

Find yourself battling crisis both at work and at home that you cannot remember the last time you thought about your life purposes?

You look forward to the weekends to be away from work and be with the family, only to be exhausted and back to the motion coming work week Monday again?

Imagine the whole cycle repeats for the entire month, the entire year, and for the rest of our lives? 

Is this all that life has to offer? 

Ever wondered if you are at your fullest potential? 

At your deathbed, will you be filled with fulfillment and satisfaction for a life well lived, or will you be filled with regret for all the experiences you never got to experience, because you decided time and time again, that you prefer to take the safe route? 

Download the Personal Excellence Resource Template and Guide to get yourself started on a transformational journey in knowing yourself afresh! 

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. Start with a clear vision of your life at its best—then work backward to achieve it. Set tangible, measurable goals that lead you towards your ultimate aspirations. Break these goals into steps as small as necessary, but keep them as big as your dreams. Remember, the path to excellence is paved with persistent effort and unwavering dedication. Each step you take is a step closer to realizing your vision, empowering you to sculpt a legacy of success."

Discover How Our Clients Xperience a Transformational Journey towards Personal Excellence Following Our 1-1 Intense Coaching Engagement! 

This Could be You! 

Our solutions are highly customized. Through deep analysis of your values and beliefs, and the external environment, we aim to address your internal obstacles and struggles that are unique to you. 

We aim to work intentionally and intensely with all our Clients to strive and ensure the highest quality of coaching services

To do this, our team is dedicated to 1-1 intense coaching for every individual that comes through our doors on a first come first served basis. 

Every month, we will have a maximum of 4 vacancies available for sign-ups. Subjected to necessary pre-assessment and understanding of personal excellence objectives, we will commence a series of between 4 to 8 intense half-day 1 to 1 life coaching, spanning 2 to 4 months. 

Read on more to find out what our 1-1 Xponential Growth personal coaching class has to offer! 

Think you're ready to kickstart your transformational journey? Book a pre-assessment personally with Priscilla and her team will be reaching out to you! 

Private VIP Exclusive Access
Personal Excellence Course Content

Here's what will be covered: 

Our tailored coaching programs help you achieve financial independence and freedom, boost your confidence, and transform your lives in Xponential Ways!


Deep Dive Values and Beliefs 
NLP and Mental Breakthrough

Assessing your personal life objectives, and current mental blocks that is holding you back from your desired life. 


Internal values and beliefs that is impeding your potential, internal struggles and obstacles that you find yourself concerned about but have no solutions for. 


NLP Strategies and Activities
Understanding Ecology and Feedback 

Look into and immediately applying NLP strategies through activities, and conduct a deep analysis of where we are, the untapped potential, and some immediate solutions that can be executed, with constant feedback, concrete and proven systems. 


Activity - SMART Goals Setting, Whole Person Concept, Action Plan, Execution 

Break the self-limiting beliefs, take on a fresh lens to review our life purpose, vision, who we are, and our SMART goals. We will be doing some activities to facilitate this. 


R&D Blue Ocean Strategies, evolving yourself in the ever-changing economy and markets 

The world is changing and we have to, too. Constantly stay self aware, with clarity of where you are headed. Evolve with the times, and stay relevant, just like Microsoft over the last 3 to 4 decades. 

"Inside you lies an incredible power—the power to think, to create, and to change your own life. The key to unlocking this power is your own belief in yourself. Trust in your abilities, challenge your limits, and never shy away from what seems impossible. The pursuit of excellence begins with a belief that you can achieve it. Fuel your journey with positivity and perseverance, and watch as you transform challenges into triumphs, crafting a life of purpose and passion."

How Can I Be Sure That This Will Help My Business?

Download My Brand New Business Playbook! Don't take our word for it, hear what our graduate, Jonathan Lim, Founder, Director and Principal Architect of Archtur, has to say:

Passionate and fascinated with building designs, I aspire to start my own architectural practice since I commenced pursuing architecture as a student in 2004. After 15 years of combined academic and career stint, I became a Registered Architect and Qualified Person (QP) in 2019, proficient in my field of architectural works.


However, I did not take the leap of faith in starting my own practice because just like any other typical employee, I was only proficient in fulfillment and operational delivery. My career was never about business operations and where to find clients. Worried about the inadequacy of supporting my newborn child and the risks involved in running a business, I held back my plans and climbed the corporate ladder hoping to make it big, which eventually did not happen.


Not wanting to lose my childhood aspiration of starting my own practice and achieving a portfolio of projects to call my own, I sat down with Priscilla Tay, founder of PTXponential Growth in an exploratory call. Within 30 minutes, Priscilla listed all the course objectives that met my goals of entrepreneurship and was able to diagnose my problems while offering several solutions upfront with a 1-page cheat sheet and business playbook which completely opened my mind.

However, due to my low-risk appetite, I had my reservations about engaging Priscilla at first. She immediately worked out a method where she invested her expertise on a due diligence basis and profits would only be shared if my business targets were met. That was how confident she was in her business coaching. With her value in advance, I registered my local boutique Architectural firm and gained several Clients as a side hustle alongside my full-time job. In the next few months, Priscilla deep-dived and broke down into every aspect of my business operations, enabling me to work through the numerous unknowns and scale my business at the same time. To date, my Company has completed more than 20 local real estate development projects and yielded close to 7 digits in revenue within 3 years.  Compared to the course fees with PTXponential Growth, that is a whopping more than 11,560% investment returns!  Compared to the course fees with PTXponential Growth, that is a whopping more than 11,560% investment returns!


To date, Priscilla is still a mentor who is always open for consultation. With her help, I went on to expand my business and now have a consistent pipeline of new projects with fees worth between five to six figures each, with project duration ranging from 2 to 18 months per project.


Looking back, engaging PTXponential Growth was one of the best business investment decisions I made. I am grateful to Priscilla for journeying with me through the numerous unknowns as I scale my business. I highly encourage any current or aspiring entrepreneurs, to take the leap of faith with PTXponential Growth, and watch yourself soar to much greater heights, not just in your business, but also in personal excellence and mentality!

View some of my completed projects below and more on my website here:

Completed Commercial Project by Our Client, Archtur
Completed Residential Project Facade, Singapore

Go on and experience the dedication of PTXponential Growth's 1 to 1 coaching yourself by clicking on the button below for a 30 minutes exclusive preview today!

Schedule a Strategizing Session with Priscilla Now!

Priscilla has been blessed with countless opportunities to meet with many amazing and inspirational individuals in her career. 

At age 33, aside from the five pillars of goals that she reviews yearly, she set herself towards a clear wealth goal (following the assessment and financial management of potential health risks): To leverage platforms and instruments that generate a passive annual income equivalent to her annual household expenses. She is now 1/3 on track on building her passive income, with her instruments yielding an average of close to $48,000 yearly. 

Opportunities do not come by often. Be ready for it when it knocks at your door. 

Our team looks forward to having you onboard our community! 

Experience how different wealth and estate planning tools and platforms, which you might have never heard of, could elevate your financial standing, earn passive income and free up more time for you to do the things you love! Leave us your contact and we will get in touch for a non-obligatory strategizing session with you!

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